Truly Dental

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Lets make your root canal a walk in the park.

Root canals have a bit of a bad reputation, but modern technology and excellent pain management make it a routine and comfortable procedure.

“Our Root Canal Treatment in Chennai effectively removes bacteria, preserving your natural tooth and preventing reinfection. Experience pain-free dental care in our serene clinic with our top-rated team.”

Questions? Answers

When the pulp of your tooth becomes exposed to bacteria and plaque, whether through dental injury or trauma or significant decay causing a deep cavity, the pulp will become infected – this can cause severe pain, or worse, can lead to the formation of a dental abscess which has the potential to spread and cause more severe illness. 

Having a Root Canal Treatment will remove all the infection from your tooth by replacing the decayed and dying nerves, blood vessels, and tissues of the interior of your tooth with a synthetic dental sealant, relieving any pain or sensitivity and preventing the risk of the infection spreading – all while saving your natural tooth and avoiding the need for it to be removed. 

The length of your treatment will depend on the complexity of the internal anatomy of your tooth, and in some cases the size (as with larger back teeth such as molars). In some cases, your treatment can be started and completed in a single visit – your dentist will ensure you are scheduled in for a second appointment if one is required, before you leave the clinic after your initial treatment visit. They will also be able to give you an estimation of total treatment time at this first visit.  

When a damaged or deeply decayed tooth requires Root Canal Treatment, it is because the pulp within the tooth is in the process of dying or indeed has already died – this process is what causes the sensitivity or pain induced by an infection of the root. The aim of treatment is to remove all traces of dead and infected pulp tissues from within your tooth and so entirely sterilize your inner tooth structures of all harmful bacteria. 

As a result, your tooth may feel slightly different after treatment is complete until you become used to the new sensation because while your exterior tooth structure is preserved, the nerves within your tooth which could feel cold and pressure are no longer present.

The decision between a root canal treatment and tooth extraction depends on factors such as the extent of damage to the tooth, its location, overall oral health, cost considerations, and patient preferences. If the tooth can be preserved with a root canal and the damage is not extensive, it is often recommended to save the natural tooth. However, factors like severe infection or cost constraints may lead to the consideration of extraction. Consulting with a dentist is crucial to receive personalized advice based on your specific dental condition.

No two situations or patients are ever identical, and therefore you should always be guided by the advice of your dentist, who has carried out your treatment following a comprehensive examination and analysis of your mouth, tooth damage and placement and root structure, and is best placed to advise you specifically for your own situation. Your dentist will only recommend a crown following your root canal treatment if that restoration is necessary and offers you the best protection and reinforcement of your natural tooth structure and safeguarding of your overall oral health, and other restoration options are available for your tooth if those are appropriate to your case. 

In the vast majority of cases if you have had Root Canal Treatment on a back tooth your dentist will recommend Crown following treatment. Root canal-treated teeth are significantly weaker than other teeth, as the living part of the tooth (the pulp) has been removed. Reinforcement with crown will greatly reduce the risk of catastrophic tooth fracture and failure, which is particularly important to consider for the back teeth, where the greatest pressure and external forces are consistently applied to the teeth due to daily heavy-duty chewing. 

No, Root Canal Treatment is a highly researched treatment that has been carried out successfully for many years, with a vast accumulated body of practice worldwide. It is a highly effective, safe way to remove infection of the root and pulp of a tooth while allowing you to keep your natural tooth and avoid extraction. 

In most cases, a tooth’s appearance should not change significantly after a root canal treatment. The primary goal of a root canal is to save a tooth that is damaged or infected by removing the infected pulp, cleaning the inside of the tooth, and sealing it to prevent further infection. The outer appearance of the tooth, including its color and shape, is usually preserved.

However, it’s important to note that in some situations, a tooth may become more brittle after a root canal, especially if a significant portion of its structure is compromised. In such cases, a dental crown may be recommended to provide additional support and restore the tooth’s strength. The crown is designed to match the natural color and shape of your teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural appearance.

Overall, the goal of modern dentistry is to not only address the health issues within the tooth but also to maintain or enhance its aesthetic appearance. Your dentist will discuss the best options for restoring the appearance of your tooth after a root canal, if necessary.

Root Canal Treatment is a tried and tested principal of modern dental care, and is successful in over 95% of all cases. On the rare occasion that a tooth doesn’t settle correctly after treatment, you may require either Root Canal Retreatment, or your dentist may need to remove the infected nerve tip entirely by a surgical procedure known as an apicectomy. This is very rare indeed but even if this procedure is called for, your natural tooth can still generally be preserved, and extraction of the tooth avoided.